Leadpages Tip #1

Resize your image inside Leadpages.

Adjust an image's size by clicking the paintbrush within the widget menu.

Leadpages Tip #2

Increase your opt-ins with Lead Magnets.

Automatically send a file with any Leadbox, Checkout, or form when someone opts-in.

Leadpages Tip #3

Have a time-sensitive offer or event? Use countdown timers to update your page.

Hide and show page sections or redirect visitors to another URL when a countdown timer expires.

Leadpages Tip #4

You don't have to go it alone. Let our support team help!

Reach out with any question by clicking the "?" in the left panel.

Leadpages Tip #5

Control how your page looks when shared on Facebook.

Within Page Tracking, select 'Facebook' and choose the title, description, and image you want to appear.

Leadpages Tip #6

Customize your forms by adding or removing fields.

Click on a form and select 'Fields' to collect the exact information you're looking for from leads.

Leadpages Tip #7

Looking for more leads? Try putting your forms in a Leadbox.

This creates a 2-step opt-in process which tends to perform better than traditional on-page forms.

Leadpages Tip #8

Link to specific sections of your Leadpage with Section Links.

When you're creating a link, look for the 'Link to Section' option in the widget menu.

Leadpages Tip #9

Use Page Styles to control the background, width, and fonts for the entire page.

You can add your own styles with Custom CSS there as well!